Friday, March 8, 2013

Time to Squash this Bug....

This week seemed long! We had more battles with lovely snow storms, and to top that off, Arielle and I got sick, from the kid's visit last weekend.  So Monday in to Tuesday we took a turn for the worse.  We stayed home Wednesday and rested.  
I wish I didn't have class on Wednesday, but it was my last one for this specific class and I had a presentation due.  I think overall we did a good job, and I don't see why I shouldn't get a B or an A in the class. :) 
Good thing I was home on Wednesday, cause I haven't seen my husband since I left for school on Wednesday.  Maybe I will get to see him tonight. LOL 
Last night after work, I had to go to school and take a Math test, and I was 1 flippin point away, from what i needed.  So that to me was worse than failing completely.  So Saturday morning, I will go and try again.  But now it will be on my mind, and I will be questioning each question more and more. UGGG.. We will see how that goes. 
I relaxed and worked on some blankets.  I am really enjoying making them. :) I will have to post some updated pics of my newest ones this weekend. 
Today is my BFF's bday, so I think tomorrow night we will be celebrating for that somewhere. Other than that, hopefully catch up on some sleep this weekend.  After daughters last soccer game tomorrow, test at school, and trip to the mall.  Man oh man, I need a nap just thinking about it.  Then Sunday, we want to see the movie OZ. :)
Wednesday night I ran into a bit of Insomnia, and didn't get to sleep until after 3, and I wake up at 6.  So that wasn't fun.  I slept much better last night, but my joints are achy, and with a stuffy nose, it makes it difficult.  My little guy has been moving like crazy.  It seems like every couple hours he does a flip or two LOL I can't wait to see him again next weekend. :) 
My friend Erin is going to have her son on Monday, by C-section.  I am so happy for her, I can't wait to see the little guy! she is lucky to be getting him out early :P It will be fun! :) 

He is the size of a Spaghetti Squash

Bump is growing ;-)

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