Sunday, September 29, 2013

Where does the time go?

I can't believe my 12 weeks is coming to an end.  I go back to work on Tuesday.  I am not looking forward to that at all.  I miss the people at work, but didn't miss the place or the work.  I can't even begin to imagine how much I am going to miss my little man during the days.  I know I still have the nights and the mornings, with him.  But it wont be the same.  I wish I could stay home with him and be there for him all the time.  I hope the transition for him wont be that hard.  It probably wont, since Jimmy will be home with him during the days.  But he is so use to mommy being there for him, naps times, bath times, feeding times.  It kills me that I will be missing that from my days.  I get tears in my eyes right now just typing this. 
To think back 12 weeks ago, I was still pregnant and didn't even know what joys laid ahead.  Then to skip to now, I can't imagine my life without him.  I think back to this journey that I took, trying to get him here.  All I know that it was all worth it, and I wouldn't change a damn thing, cause he is the most precious boy ever.  I may be a bit biased, but isn't every mom about their child.  To even say I have a son is just something I never thought I would be saying and feel how I do.  I know already that I am going to give him my everything, and be the best mom that I can be.  I will try and learn from my past, and be better for him, than I had it.  I already know that it is better.  I look forward to the months ,and years ahead of us.  To see how he grows and learns.  He already has done so many amazing things.  From day one, he was trying to hold his head up, which we thought was awesome, since he was a newborn.  Then I knew he was going to have strong legs, since he would kick me very hard from the inside.   I was right, the kid has some strong legs, the doc even comments about his strength, when he sees him.  He's been growing at a perfect rate, and we haven't had any problems with him.  He's even started on some pureed foods already.  Which may seem early to some, but he's been handling them just fine.  He LOVES bananas.  In a couple weeks, I am going to expand his pallet and try some more things like squash, green beans, pears, carrots, and more.  I have a feeling he is going to love all of those as well.  He's our little chubbs as we call him.  Mainly due to his chubby cheeks, that I passed down to him.  Your welcome my son. :) He is a GREAT sleeper.  Since the moment he came home, he slept and slept, and we thought it would pass, but it didn't.  He loves his sleep, just like me.  We sleep in all the time, and he loves his naps.  Mainly loves when he can sleep on my chest, and fall asleep cuddling me.  One of my favorite times.  I am going to miss those during the day also.  He loves standing and walking, which is so odd for an almost 3 month old, but he was doing that since 6-8wks old.  We feel that he is going to be above the curve on walking, and skip the whole crawling.  He doesn't like tummy time as much, he rather be sitting or standing. LOL that is ok , but I am sure we will have our hands full when he does eventually get moving around. 
I know there will be so many more memories and experiences to come.  I look forward to them all.
It is going to be very hard on Tuesday and i am preparing myself now.  I know I can't wait for the nights at home after work.  Not that they weren't great before, but they will be all that much sweeter now.  Will has brought so much joy and happiness to our daily lives.  Just seeing his smiling face in the morning is good enough for me.  I love being a mom, and I look forward to the day he says mommy.  I know it will melt my heart.  I really don't know how a parent doesn't just love their child from the minute they come into this world, and want to be and do everything for them that they can.  I am sure I have many challenges ahead, but I dont care.  I look forward to all of them, good or bad.  That is what makes us human.
Tomorrow we are headed to the zoo.  I can't wait to enjoy my last day of my summer, before I go back to hell.  I am so glad I got a chance to have this time off, thanks to my job and my husband for his support as well.  It has been a blessing that not all people get a chance to do.  I can't wait for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Xmas this year.  All the first holidays for Will, and many more.  But the first holidays should be fun, and make them even better for us, trying to show him a good time.
I had a great time spending the summer w/ friends and family.  Will and I did a lot of fun things, and went to a lot of fun places.   Concerts, Malls, Downtown, Parks, etc.  It has only just begun, and I can't wait to do more things with him as he gets older.   He is my little angel, and I wouldn't change a thing.  I know he has many great people around him, aunts and uncles who will be there through it all. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Meet William Kenneth Moylan!!!

I can't believe he is finally here!!! :) We are so excited to have him in our lives, and he has been nothing but a joy since the minute he came.  I am so blessed to have an angel of a boy. (so far) LOL  It came with some small obstacles along the way.
We went to the hospital around 9am.  I was checked in, and induced by 10am.  Jimmy and I, sat there for 2 hrs, just watching tv and chilling.  I got up to use the bathroom, and came back, sat down... OOOPS... a gush... I looked at Jimmy, and was like "Ummm..." He said, "What?" I then felt another gush, and said  "I think my water just broke?!"  Since I just got back from the bathroom, I couldn't have peed my pants LOL  So we called the nurse in, and she confirmed, it had broke.  So I then started feeling the contractions, stronger and stronger.  I started out on 2ml of Patocin, and they increased by 2 every 30-60 mins... Well by 12:30, the nurse mentioned if I wanted an epidural now, or was the pain manageable? I said I was ok, but then she said, if I didn't get the epidural now, the anesteologist may be in surgery for the next 4 hrs, so my pain may be more by then.  So I said, then let's get the epidural. LOL... she came in, and shortly after 1, I was pretty numb, and couldn't feel much from the waste down.  It was pretty nice :) Then the waiting began.  I was only dilated 2cm.  I had a ways to go, but she was upping the patocin, little by little, to try and speed up the contractions and the dilation.  
A little after 4:30, Mary came and she kept us company and the rest of the night.  I love her! 
By 5pm, the nurse came back in, and had been checking me every couple hours on dilation, and I was only 3/4cm's.  Not much progress at all.  Then they realized, I had this extra Tissue that was holding my cervix closed.  So they now, were trying to figure out a way, to move the tissue, or pop it.  Since this was delaying my dilation.   A couple different nurses tried, and nothing.  Then around 6pm, a nurse came in, with this long tube like thing, and she got it to go, and after that, I was 4cm's.  So we were feeling optimistic still, that he would come that night.
Well I got to about 10ml's of patocin, and they wanted me to move my position, to my left side.  When I did, the baby's heartbeat would go down, so then I would go to the left, and the same thing.  Back to my back, and he was fine.  Around 7/8pm the nurse turned off the patocin, for 30 mins, to give the baby a break.  Once we started up again, we had to start all over at 2ml's.  :-( At this point of the night, we had been at the hospital 12hrs.  I was getting stir crazy, and I couldn't move.  So just laying there, was just frustrating, with little progress.  Every 2hrs, I would then dilate 1cm.  It was VERY slow.  Around 3/4 am, I was 5/6cm's.... and we figured at this progress, it would be around noon, when he would come.
Well, 2hrs later, my nurse called my doc again, and was concerned about my lack of progress.  And the other nurses were talking C sec and starting to prep me for that.  I was taking all my jewelry off, and getting ready for the doc to come and check me out, and then into surgery I would go.  Well once the doc got to me a little after 6, he checked me and started to turn him.  Cause he wasn't facing the correct position.  Once he did that, I was 8cm dilated, and he told me we were going to try pushing.  Ummmm ok... I wasn't prepared LOL  I was mentally preparing for the C sec, I thought was going to happen.  Glad it wasn't looking that way now.  But still pushing? Alright, Doc knows best.  So I give a few pushes, and he moves him into place.  So all of these nurses come in and start setting up.  Doc then orders a vacuum, cause he was very broad shoulders, and was stuck.  So he needed some help.  It was now 6:30, and I was told, we are going to start.  Ok, so Jimmy grabs my right leg, and Mary is behind him and I above my right shoulder.  And with the next contraction I push, and push and push.... good they tell me.  We wait for the next one, and again, push and push and push...Those were rough... I didn't feel anything, but the pushing, was the strenuous part.  Then towards the end, before the last push.  Doc has to cut me, since he needed more space to get the other arm and body out.  So a few more pushes, and he's out!  It was pretty amazing, and I am now glad I didn't have a c sec, and thankful for the experience.
I didn't hear him crying right away, so I was worried.  I started crying, and freaking out.  I know they have to suction his noes and throat, things like that.  But it was taking longer than usual.  Then they called out, for the Neo doc to be paged.  Right after they did that, a cry was let out.  I was relieved, and cried more.  I just wanted to hold him already.  LOL But I could see him across the room, and I knew he was ok.  And cute as ever, I remember thinking when I saw him being pulled out, "Look at those cheeks!" LOL he was so precious.  I also knew, just as I was told I would know, he was a William.  I looked at him, when they handed him to me, and said, yep, that is what you are.  I made sure it was ok with Jimmy, he agreed he wasn't any of the other names.  So William he became and remained.  :)  We call him Chubbs though.  Which is fine.  How could you not, with those cute chubby cheeks, they are so squeezable and kissable.
After Delivery, we stayed in the room, for a couple hrs, and then our recovery room was ready for us.  We had some visitors stop by for the day.  Was very nice to see them and welcome our little man into the world.  He is already a very loved little boy, and will only continue to capture more hearts, as time goes on.
We stayed the night on Saturday of course.  Then Sunday, he was scheduled for his photo shoot, and circumcision.   He had a busy day.  I was getting very coped up and stir crazy, just being in one place for so long.  I wanted to go home Sunday night, but we had to wait to be released Monday morning.  I guess one more night wouldn't hurt.  Well I let Jimmy have a break from a couch or chair for the night, so he went home and got some sleep.  While Will and I, had a night to ourselves in the hospital, and we did just fine.  They wanted to come and take him to the nursery a few times, to give me some time to sleep, but you would have to pry him from my cold dead hands... I wasn't having it.  LOL I was perfectly fine, thanks anyway. :) 
Monday morning came, and they took him to the nursery, for his final tests, and then he was released, and we were able to get out of there.  We were home by noon.  It was great to be in our normal surrounding, and start our life, and adjusting to having this little man around.
So far, all he does is sleep, eat, poop... which is fine by me :) He is an angel, he is a night person, like mommy, and likes to sleep during the day.  Works for me also!  We will see how long this holds up.
I am so thankful and grateful for him in my life and feels like forever since I've wanted him.  Now that he is here, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I look forward to all the places and things I want to show him, and do with him.  I want to give him things, I was never able to have or do, or experience.  It is funny, how your mindset changes, once a living person comes out of you.  I am so thankful, for my family and friends for their support.  It always makes things easier.  I look forward to showing him the fun sides of mommy too... which he will, when his mom and aunties get a little crazy sometimes. :)  I will look forward to embarrassing him, and loving him unconditionally, from here on out.  He is my #1 man.  I still have to make sure Jimmy isn't ignored :P He has been good, and is loving this little guy, probably just as much.  Again, how could you not! :) 
Below, are a few pics from the hospital on Delivery Day. :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Home Stretch!! Final Week!!!!!!!

I can’t believe this week is finally here!!!! But had to get through last weeks madness to get here.
Last week was busy as usual, I wouldn’t expect any less.  Work was crazy of course, cause it was month end week.  Wednesday, I had my last day of school.  That was good, I did my last speech, and got an A, which then gave me and A, in the class.  So yeah me! I will be off for 8 weeks from school, and then the end of Aug, start my Fall Semester.  It will be nice to have the break, and especially since my little man will be with me.  He will be needing all my love and attention all the time.
Thursday had my last doctors appointment, went well, as usual.  I was hooked up the monitor a little longer, cause he was sleeping when we started, so his HB was lower, so we woke him up and all was good.  He checked to see if I was dilated, and I still wasn’t, which is ok.  My cervix is soft and ready to go, so we will see.
Friday, went out for Jackie’s bday.  Went to Big Bowl for dinner, yep, two weeks in a row! NICE! Then we saw the movie, The Heat, w/ Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.  Hilarious, that Melissa never fails to crack me up.  I couldn’t make it through the whole 2 hr movie, without a bathroom break anymore.  Good thing, that was my last movie for a little while. LOL
Saturday, we did some errands, grocery shopping and then some family shopping at the Aurora Outlet mall.  Was good.  Then I went to the Hunter Hayes show at night, which was at Joliet Fest.  Was fun people watching for sure!  My next concert wont be until the end of next month.  Probably the first time I go out without my little man.  But by then I should be ok. Hehe….
Yesterday I began my cleaning and last organizing of the house, before we go to the hospital at the end of this week.  I know Thursday I will spend going crazy, and making sure it’s all ready.  But that is ok.  I can’t believe this week is here.  It’s gone by fast, and it hasn’t been bad at all.  I can’t wait until he is here.  When I think about him being here this weekend, I get wayyyyy emotional.  I am anxious, scared, nervous, happy, sad, edgy all wrapped into one…..  I had gone for a prenatal massage yesterday and it was amazing.  Just what I needed going into this week.  She couldn’t do my hands and feet, cause those have spots on me that release endorphins into the body and can cause labor to start.  I was all for it, but she gave me some pointers, for when I am in labor, what could possibly help speed up the process and help.  So we will see.
The next time I write, he will be here, and I am sure I will have plenty of pictures of him.  I am still having anxiety over what to name him, but I think, once I see him I will know.  That is what everyone tells me at least!
Thankful to everyone along the way in this journey.  It has been so wonderful, and I look forward to what is to come.  I can’t wait to be a mom.  I’ve been a step mom for so long, it will be nice to have one of my own.  He is going to be my spoiled little one.  There is so much I can’t wait to do with him, for him.. all of it!

I think about the people out there, that don’t want kids or have them, and don’t care about them.  That thought just boggles my mind.  Regardless of how crazy life gets, once you have a child, your focus changes.  I can’t imagine not loving him more than life itself.  I am very lucky to have people in my life, that care about me and jimmy and super happy for us.  This little man, is lucky also, and he doesn’t even know it yet.  He is going to have a lot of awesome aunties and uncles, who will shower him with love!  We are truly blessed.  xo

Week 38, front

Week 38, side

He's a size of a Mini Watermelon 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I can't even believe I just typed that.  Man how time has flown!  With all the excitement, I almost forgot to post a little blog update.  oppps... sorry about that.  That will probably be, happening a lot more, when Chubbs comes out. :P
Well last week, was more training at work.  Plus on top of that we had a lot of Stanley Cup playoff games going on.  I had school last Wednesday, which this week is our last week.  I have a speech tomorrow, which should be interesting.  I keep having this nightmare, that while I am up there, my water breaks LOL  He needs to hold off at least until Sunday.  Not that I wouldn't mind him coming now, but mama has plans.  Got month end close at work, and last min things to get done this weekend.   We will see how that goes.
Last Thursday, was another Doc apt for me.  His HB is strong as usual, and he is growing like a weed.  The doc scheduled me to be induced next Friday, the 5th of July.  We go into the hospital at 8am.   Only a week sooner, than expected.  But this is only as a precaution, the doc, just wants to make sure everything is ok.  He is growing bigger and bigger, and with my GD, he just is taking precaution.  Which is fine,  I am looking forward to it, but scared at the same time.  The end if finally here, which is just crazy.  Time has really flown by.  It is amazing!!!  But he's been a real pain this past month.  I shouldn't really complain, but it's been a bit nutty.  He's killing me slowly lately.  The ribs are getting the punching/kicking bag workout for sure.  I still somehow smile from it all, cause I know my little man is healthy and strong.  Even if that means, he is kicking mama's butt from the inside.  Sleeping has become a bigger problem, than ever.  I have all my pillows surrounding me, but still, I can really only sleep to my left.  He doesn't like me on my right side... and I can't sleep on my stomach or back.. so yep, leaves only one sleeping position.  So I can't wait to get some more sleep angles in, after he is out. :-) The ankles still swell up, but some days are worse than others.  But other than that, I just feel tired.  Tired of being tired.  There is always so much I want to do, and having all these restrictions, is making me more anxious and stir crazy.  Oh and the Braxton Hicks contractions, are fun!! More of those lately too.  When the real ones comes, yowsers!!! 
Until next week!! anxiously awaiting his arrival! :)

He is about 6.5 lbs and 19inches long

Monday, June 17, 2013

Early Arrival??? I think so!! :)

Will he be early? Seems like it!!
According to the doc, he will induce me either at 38 or 39 weeks.  But he said most likely after July 1st, so into the 39th week. I am excited my boy will be here soon.  This past week, he’s been a pain in my ribs, it has gotten worse! Uggggg…. I can take it, and he is so worth it.  But it’s killing me.  Eating, sleeping and even driving has gotten uncomfy.  I can’t wait to have him at home, and I can just stare at him.   My little man, he’s getting ready to come. 
Since my GD (Gestational Diabetes), that is why the doc, wants to induce early.  As a precaution, which is fine by me.  He gets hooked up to the Heart Monitors weekly, so it’s nice to hear him inside there.
My ankles, need to be elevated nightly.  I’ve also been using this Bengay cream on my knees, it works wonders!!! I can’t wait to see what the doc says this week.
I can’t believe he will be here soon, it’s flown by which is great.  But after he comes, I hope it doesn’t fly, and I want to enjoy every moment I have with him.  I have so many plans J Can’t wait! 
I finished up him room this week, and laundry and we put the stroller together, and the car seat is in the car, so we are all set!! I managed to find an outfit for the hospital for me.  I know they give us, those lovely gowns to wear, but I want to be comfy afterwards in my own stuff… and head home all comfy too…. 
We celebrated Father’s Day this past weekend.  It was nice, to have the kids, and embrace the new one coming in all at the same time.  We went and saw The Man of Steel, good movie.  Will be interesting to see how the next one is.  I got Jimmy a Stormtrooper Star Wars Collectible for Father’s Day/ Our Anniversary.   He loved it of course :P

I look forward to the next couple weeks, going by quickly I hope!  I am very anxious, nervous and excited at the same time.  I am still not solid on a name yet, but I know when we see him, I will just know.  

He's 6-6.5lbs now :) 

His Wheels :-)

Room is all ready for him......

Monday, June 10, 2013

Time to complain...Heading into final stretch.. :-)

So this is it…. The last month is approaching.  I had a good run, so I can’t complain too much, well I can complain and I will LOL But up until now, this pregnancy has been pretty much a cake walk.  So if this last month, I have to go through all the bad, then so be it.  For my little man, it will all be worth it.
Last week, was good in some ways and bad in others.  Good for school, cause I had my first speech, and I got a B+, so I was excited about that.  Good for Arielle, cause it was her last week of school, and she is now on summer break.  Good for Jimmy cause I am just that awesome, JK, he got some extra money come his way.  Other than that, the week was crap! Lol
Work was hell as usual, so I am really counting down my days now, and just so happens, my temp is leaving me.  So we need to find a new one.  And I will have under 4 wks to train them, so that means, yep you guessed it, I will be doing some things from home, from time to time.  No other way around it.
Got hooked up to the machine at the doc again.  Seems like I will every week.  Which is fine, get to hear my little man.  It’s fun to hear him move, and sometimes a contraction happens.  LOL  This weeks apt, I get a cervix check, to see if I am getting ready, either dilated yet, or softer.  Also a Group B  streptococcus screening, making sure I don’t carry any viruses or bacteria, that can be passed on to the baby during birth.  FUN!
This past weekend, we went to my cousins house for a Breastfeeding class.  Jimmy and I both thought it was very imformative.  More than we would have, which is good.  Hoping we don’t need to use any of the “what if”  techniques or have any problems, but if we do, we should be able to troubleshoot any problems. :-P
Yesterday, we went to the movies and saw Internship.  Was very funny.  Then when we got home, I was determined to do all the baby’s laundry and organize his closet.  That didn’t exactly get finished. LOL during about the 2nd or 3rd load, I passed out folding clothes, for about 30-40min nap.  I was so tired, hadn’t been sleeping well again.  I seem to go through spurts, maybe it is when he is growing. LOL who knows.  But I managed to finish the laundry last night,  just have to finish organizing his room, later today.  Also set up the play yard/bassinet next to our bed last night.  It’s perfect, he will be right there next to me, for the first 3-4wks, until I move him into his room.  It will be very good, for late night nursing, since the rocker is in our room also.Now on to the bitching.  Yep, I haven’t done much of it, but now I get to.  LOL Where do I start?  Back? Yep, that is killing me!  I’ve had back pains before, but this is worse now.  I have to recline the car seat back in the car, my work chair at work, and need pillows more than ever.  My ankles have started this fun swelling.  I haven’t had any up until now… so it is fun to see cankles LOL  But also a pain, cause those  joints hurt at night, along with my knees.  So I have this BenGay stuff that I put on them.  Thankfully that helps.  I can’t fully shave anymore, so that’s become fun LOL I’ve managed to do a decent job, but I just decided to stick to capris, and worry about the lower half of my legs for now LOL  Stairs, have become an enemy, I never would mind taking the stairs, but I am more out of breath now.  So at work, I take the elevator sometimes.   Now on to sleep.  It is funny, cause people say, rest up now, you will need it! BS!!! LOL First I can’t rest… I had a problem going to sleep as it was.  It would take me at least 30mins… now on top of that, I have this little man inside, moving around at night, and he HATES when I sleep on my right side, I think cause his head is over that way.   Sooooo that leaves me one position.  My left side.  So, here I am with a body pillow propped up behind me, and more pillows to my left, and tilted to the left, but not all the way, and a pillow between my legs.  Comfy!?  Not nearly… So sleep hasn’t been happening much, and then I get up to pee, closer to every hour now.  Use to be every 2 hrs, now it is getting closer to the 1hr mark.  He is dropping, and it’s pressing on my bladder more.  The other fun thing is, he loves my ribs.  So it is only fitting, that I will get a tattoo of his hand, and a symbol on my ribs.  He  is worth it, but making me even more uncomfy.  I try and push him, but he is a stubborn one, NOT SURPRISED. So all in all…. I am looking forward to the end.  Pregnancy has been fun.  Would I do it again, maybe, but I don’t plan on it.  He will be my one little angel.   I am good with that.  We will see if he graces our presence a little early or not.  I wouldn’t mind a week early, but we will see.  It’s up to him, whenever he is ready!   I know I am! 

(He is about 5-6lbs already)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Baby Shower Palooza!!

Well this past week, was busy as usual.  Between work and school, that took up some time. LOL School, I have to prepare for a speech, for this week... YUK!, and work, I had month end close on Friday.  Only one more left!!! :) Not that I'm counting down. :) 
Last Thursday, I had a doc appointment, and they did a stress test on the little guy.  He is healthy as can be, and I couldn't be happier about that.  The doc's words were "beautiful pattern".  Meaning his breathing was good, and his heartbeat was strong and he was getting enough oxygen.  So very good to hear.  The weird thing is, every time I see him, he seems to think, he's bigger than what he seems.  When I went for the ultrasound the week before he measured at 4lbs 11oz... doc said, he's a little big.. WHAT! That is normal!! LOL He's got to be around 5 and then some by now.  I actually gained 2lbs at this doc apt.  Which was good, cause I lost 3lbs before that.... LOL But he had to have gotten at least half of that. :P Chubbs, is a big solid boy. :) 
Well after all that fun, Friday night I did some cleaning, and then my friend Jen stopped by, and we talked later into the night than we thought LOL She also dropped off of a big garbage bag of clothes, from what she  had from her son.  So my little guy is for sure set for this summer.  I can safely say, he will have a diff outfit each day! LOL I of course will document each adorable one! :) I better invest in some good coupons from Shutterfly, Cause I will need alot of albums :) hehe 
Saturday was my baby shower.   The weather turned out to be cloudy, and that was ok.  My BFF, Mary through and amazing shower.  She did the cutest thing, and had live frogs as the center pieces for the tables.  Was VERY cute.  We even got to take one home.  Arielle picked out the baby one, so she now has a new pet.  Baby Moylan, got some very adorable things, and all we can't wait for him to use and play with. :)
After the shower, my cousin Kristie from Michigan stayed with us, since we had my other cousins baby shower yesterday.  It was nice catching up and talking late into the night.  
Yesterday, we got up and went to our cousin Amber's Baby Shower.  Was very nice, and was fun to see all girl stuff.  Since I am having the boy, it's nice to be able to shop for some girl things too.  After that, Arielle and I headed to the pet store, to equip our new friend with his new home.  Then we ran some other errands. By the time I got home, it was time to make some dinner, then sit down and watch some of the Hawks game, and then the Organizing began.  That was much fun.  I unpacked a lot, and we sorted through it all and put it away. I made me even more excited, to see his room coming to a completion.  Sometime this week, I will bet setting up the Play Yard/Bassinet in our room.  He will be sleeping there for the first 4-6wks, until I am comfortable enough to move him to his crib. :) Then I have all this clothes to wash, which will be nice, and then I can finally sort all of that.
5 more weeks left, and I can't wait.  I am VERY anxious, and scared, and excited all wrapped into one. :) 

He is the size of a Cataloupe

Hooked up to HB Machine...

His HB <3

Family Pic from Baby Shower

Me and Mary, my BFFFL