Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ohhhh Ohhhh, We're Half Way There......

Take my hand, we'll make it I swear..... (Bon Jovi) :) Yep we are half way there!! Only 20 weeks left to go! This week was a whirlwind.  The beginning of the week started off with rough, and ended wonderfully! I couldn't ask for more.
Monday we had to put Jimmy's car to rest.  It finally died, and we gave it to a junk yard, it wasn't worth repairing anymore.   
Tuesday was a normal day, and went by fast, which was good.  I had a countdown going, for my doc apt Thursday and baby reveal on Friday.
Wednesday, was a long day, as usual.  Work was work.  At lunch, I went and tested a car out for Jimmy.  We looked all last weekend for cars, and our search continued.  Later that night, was school.  Which was a good class, yet again.  Only two more classes to go, and I am done with this session, and on to the next.
Thursday was finally here, and I had to make it through the day.  I didn't think I would be able to focus, but I was busy at work, as usual.  By the time the day was over, it was time to head home.  Then on to my doc appointment.  We waited as usual, and then the doc saw us.  He checked the baby's heartbeat, and it was now in the 140's, which he said was Boy range.  I ignored that, cause it could mean anything.   Then I asked, so what about my ultrasound.  Well he didn't schedule an appointment with the technician.   I thought I was going to cry right there in the office.   So we made an appointment for one more week.  My plans for the whole weekend, were then crushed in one hour.  I was bummed, and Jimmy knew it.  We had plans!  So what else could I do, just had to deal with it. 
We were expecting a bad storm, Thursday into Friday, so Friday was up in the air.  Then Jimmy also wanted to go look for cars, so  I took the day off.  I then was able to schedule an appointment for later that day, for an ultrasound.  There was an opening!  So nothing like doing things last minute, what we do best under pressure.  My best friend Mary, had a cake reveal party planned for that night.  So we had to come up with a new plan.  Which then became, us going, and the tech messaged her the results, and she then made a cake, within 90mins of the party.  Talk about pressure, but she was up for it.  Jimmy and I went car shopping during the day, and then when it became the time for the appointment, we were almost late.  Thanks to Chicago city traffic.  I had been drinking fluids all day and even had my sugar beverage an hour before the appointment, as directed.  When we got there, I had to pee badly!!! They told me to hold it, and I didn't think I could.  I had to go, she said it would be fine, since they were running 15 minutes behind.  So I drank more water provided, which was torture.  We finally got into the room, and told the lady we had a weird request.  LOL  It worked out perfectly!  I had a wonderful surprise, and so thankful for my friends and family. IT'S A BOY!!!! :) 
Had a great night with my friends, and then was bad during the day and went shopping for my little boy :) Yeah Yeah, I can, so :P I got some things, I am very excited about. :) Went and looked at some more cars, and found one we like.  So we will see what happens, hopefully we can get it. :) 
I am looking forward to having a baby boy.  I think it was meant to be, so now all we have to do, is finalize some things in the baby's room, and narrow down the baby names.  I think I have it down to 3, which I had 9.  So once they little guy comes out, I will decide which name fits best. :) Can't wait!!! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Live, Laugh, LOVE, Tomatoes?

This week has been an emotional roller coaster of fun! Yeah let's say fun, cause anything else would just be depressing. :) From family, to friends, and work and school.  It's been coming from all directions this week.  My love and heart goes out to my dearest friends who were dealing with hard losses this week.  Life is short, we have learned, and because of that, live for now and enjoy today, worry about tomorrow, when it comes. I love my family this week, for getting through some bs, sickness, and car problems, all in one week.  All the while, work and school still had to go on, so having to try and deal with it all, caught up a bit.
Monday was a typical day as any Monday's go for most.  Work was a drag, and I was tired from the weekend.  I entered week 19, so this week, I knew there would be more growth, and growing pains.  Oh boy were there ever.  Monday was the least of those. But our daughter, had an episode at school, and fainted, so we took her to the doc.  She has high blood sugar levels.  So she will be running some more tests next week.  I know how that goes, so we will get it under control, and she will be just fine. :) 
Tuesday seems to be the day the baby likes to do the most growing, the past 2-3 wks, I've noticed that.  So the back pains, the headaches, and tummy pains started through the day.  I about had it with people at work, so I left at 4, and had a mini meltdown, when I got to my car and was crying on the phone to Jimmy. LOL  Then I had to do grocery shopping.  This was when, a severe headache decided to rear it's ugly head.  It was probably border line migraine. So I didn't even finish shopping and headed back home to unload the food, and then laid down with an icepack on my head.  I woke up around midnight, out of it, and a now warm icepack on my head.  Turned off lights, and went back to sleep.  Woke up Wednesday still with a headache.
Wednesday, was much better than Tuesday, but it's my long day of the week, with school.  I managed to get through the day.  School was actually a good one.  While I sat in class, I felt some more movement from the baby.  Every once in a while, I will feel something, here and there.  Got home and passed out.  Was this week over yet?  Not even close!
Thursday was Vday, had to be a good day right? Well for some of my friends, not so much.  They suffered a loss of a family member, so not the best way to spend the day, or end the week.  My prayers and thoughts go out to them all.  The baby enjoyed food and sweets all day Thursday, since we had a catered event at work.  Italian food and Cake.... yummmm!! :)  I was told during a point, while I was getting my food.  That I wasn't that big.  Well ummmm thanks? How big am I suppose to be? I am only 19 weeks.  But every one's bodies are different, some people show at 2-3 months, some 5-7, some even later.  I guess I am a little lucky, I just have a little bump.  It's all baby though, fine by me!  I've only gained 10lbs so far, and almost half way through.  My doc told me, to only gain 15-20lbs for the whole pregnancy.  So for almost halfway there, seems fine to me.  I was then enlightened about breast feeding, and if I do, I will lose a lot of weight.  So in my mind, Pregnancy= Weight Loss LOL .. who would have thought!! LOL I say this all now, but I am sure in 2-3 months I will be singing a diff tune :P 
So that brings us to today, Friday.  Should be a good day, right? End of the week, payday for some, and time to just relax.  Far from it!  I checked, is it a full moon? Anyone know? Cause everyone is out today, and all crazy!!  Everyone wants something, and they have to have it now!! The morning was nuts... First, woke up, I think that was the first mistake.  Normal process to get in, and then I get a call from Jimmy.  His car had died on him.  So I am on 53, and turn around head back north, to go pick up my poor stranded husband.  I get a call 3-5mins later, never mind!  Tow truck had come by and was going to take him home.  So I turn back around on 53, and back North! Get to work finally, and while discussing our options on the phone, we've decided to go car shopping to weekend, and see what happens.   So that will be fun.(said in the most sarcastic voice, since I hate dealerships)  So tonight we start, tomorrow I have a hair appointment, and Arielle has a winter dance in the evening.  
I am so glad this week is OVER!  Looking forward to next week, for so many reasons.  We get to find out the sex of the baby next Friday, and it's Girls Night Out!!! Can't wait!! Just have to get through one more week!!   
Hope everyone is well, and spring is almost here right? :) BBQ season is coming. :) Oh and thank you again to my sister in law, who sent me a box of maternity clothes.  They came in use all week this week! :)  Oh and my boss just told his boss, that I was pregnant, so she came by and congratulated me.  I didn't get fired, so I guess that is a good thing. :P

The baby is the size of a Heirloom Tomato this week, and about 6 inches.  I think I am around 5-5 1/2 inches though. :) We will see next week! 

Little Bump 

Friday, February 8, 2013

A rough one.....

This was a rough week.  Had a busy one with work, and the weathe didn't help any later in the week.  Monday started this sucky week.  I had some growing pains for sure.  They mentioned the baby would be growing, but didn't imagine I'd feel this much.  PHEWIIEEEE!!  Monday, It was the first day of my back killing me, and I would sit with a pillow behind my back at work.  Tuesday was a lot of the same, I would drink plenty of water, but that didn't seem to help.  Since I can't take anything, I just have to deal with the pain :(  Jimmy's  car had some problems again on Tuesday night, so that wasn't good. :( Then Wednesday, I started to get bad headaches on and off throughout the day.  Then I had my presentation at school that night, which seemed to go well, despite my headache, and back pains. Thursday was the worst, the day at work was long, and we got to leave early for the snow storm.  It took me 3 1/2hrs to get home.  What the heck is that! It's like people in the state, have never seen snow!! Just ridiculous.  Well I am lucky, I'm not further along, than I am.  By the time I got home, I had to pee BAD!! I was hungry, tired, and a headache.  So when I sat down to eat  dinner, Jimmy asked if I wanted to watch TV.  I lost it, and started balling.  All the stress from the week, and the traffic, and the pains, all came to me.  He was like, "are you OK?" "Hormones?" LOL Well a combo of that and stress.  So I needed to get it out, and felt better. 
Today, I decided I had enough, and stayed home , to clean, sleep and just relax.  It was much needed after this week.  Good thing I can do some work from home.  :) So I spent the day with the hubby and we ran a bunch of errands, and watch TV and a movie.  Which Hotel Transylvania, I recommend. :)
On a good note... Yes there are some good things. :) This week, I've noticed the baby has moved up some more, and closer to my belly button.  Getting harder also. :)  The baby still likes the left side, which I think is funny, but has limited my sleeping to one position that is comfy. :)  I've been eating more cucumbers, I can't get enough of them.  Found out they are very good for nutrition as well, so that is plus. Good for skin and hair, another plus. :)  I've been feeling the baby move every so often, either when I am sitting at my desk, or sometimes at night, or on my way home in the car.  It's pretty funny, the tiny little movements I can just make out.  It will be fun, when I am further along, and the real kicks start happening.  Yes I say fun now, I am sure I will take that back later. 
Today while we were running errands, I grabbed another pair of maternity pants, and some toys for the baby.  Yes I got a couple things, so shoot me! :) Just a Panda Rattle and bath time frog toy.  Nothing major, oh and crib sheets.  THEY WERE ON SALE! Couldn't pass the stuff up :) 
I am counting down the days now, until we get to find out what we are having.  The 21st can't get here soon enough!! I am so excited for my two cousins, they are both having girls, I hope to make it a 3 peat for the third.  But who knows, maybe I will be the one to throw the boy in there. :P  Looking forward to the next 2 weeks of growth! :) 

 Approx 5.5 inches

Great Movie :) 

18 weeks and counting! (The Bump)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Turnip the Volume..... =P

This week was a crazy week.  Between, work, school and home.  Man oh man!  Somehow the week dragged too.  The beginning of the week, we had car troubles with Jimmy's car, but got that straitened out, luckily.  Then I had to deal with work crap on Tuesday.  Wednesday was our daughter's 15th bday, so she is now one year closer to making me go completely gray. :-)  
Wednesday was crappy weather, and I didn't wear the appropriate shoes to work, and it had started to snow.  So luckily I had gym shoes to change into, for school.  I was a little worried to walk through the parking lot.  The slush, made it interesting.  Scary time, during bad weather, when you are preg, and trying not to fall on your ass or face.
Yesterday, I had month end close for work, and it was one of the worst days.  Not because of close, because of my aches and pains. I was ok the whole week, just the usual growing pains,  but yesterday, my back decided it wanted to join in on the fun.  I wanted to die, it hurt so bad in the morning.  I had a pillow behind me, while I sat at my desk.  My boobs were so soar and itchy, I wanted to rip them off!!  Then in the afternoon, once my back let up a bit, my stomach decided it was it's turn.  I think the baby was reinforcing the walls inside, maybe building a second floor, I have no clue.  But some major pulling and stretching happened in the afternoon.   WOWSERS!!! When I got home, all I wanted to do was relax.  I luckily got a nice lower back massage, by Jimmy that night.  I rubbed his knees, he got my back.  What a couple, falling apart at the seams. LOL
At night, as I do every night.  I laid in bed, and rubbed my belly. As I did I noticed, it is getting much more firm, and again seems to be moving upward.  The little alien still seems to be towards the left side.  Which is funny, I sleep on the right every night.  I never turn over, or roll to the other side.  It's actually uncomfy for me to lay to the left.  They said that in the next 2-3 weeks, I would experience a lot of growth and the baby was going to double in size.  They weren't kidding!!! 
Oh and the 2lbs I lost last week, I gained 3lbs this week! So I made up my 1lb a week, the doc said to do. LOL  Yesterday was the first time, Arielle said, " mom wow, your stomach is starting to show!" yep, it's coming! LOL no hiding it now. Not that I would want to, but instead of just looking like you've packed on some pounds, you have an actual reason for it. :)