Friday, March 1, 2013

Just another week in paradise...

Well this week was a busy one, as I knew it would be.  After last weeks aftermath of finding out we are having a boy, I went a little crazy and got a lot of boy clothes, and made a blanket. :-) Yeah Yeah I know, I know... but believe me, there is plenty to get. I will be making more blankets, and even thinking of starting some online store/advertising for making them.  Yeah I need a side hobby right?  With work and school and a baby on the way, why not! :P We will see....
This week was busy with Jimmy and I carpooling during the week, while we finalized an agreement for a car, we found for him.  I had a presentation in school on Wednesday, and had month end close at work on Thursday.  I was lucky enough to be able to work from home today, and being able to get our new(to us) car. :-) 
The baby has been moving like crazy this week.  It is cute, I was noticing last night, when I would rub my stomach, and I would stop, he would give a little kick, like hey mama why did you stop? :-)  I can only imagine once his kicks start getting stronger, he is going to be beating me up inside, and I bruise easily, so he better go easy on me. LOL The usual growing pains weren't on Tuesday this week, they were on Thursday.  But none the less, he is growing.  :-)
I was suppose to have a doc appointment today, but had to push it until March 15th, since we were getting the car today.  I am glad Jimmy was able to get the car he wanted finally, he deserves a reliable car finally.  Plus we needed another 4 door for the new little one. :) 
I am now obsessing over names.  I mean what else is there, right? I had 9 names picked, but we have narrowed it down to the top 4 for now.
Daniel Kenneth
Nathanial Kenneth
William Kenneth 
Liam Daniel
We will see if I end up adding or changing those, in the next 4 months.  Otherwise, I think I will go in with those, and then decide once he comes out.  What are your thoughts?? 

(He's the length of a carrot)

(Jimmy's New Car)

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