Monday, March 25, 2013

24 Carrot Gold! ;)

Man oh Man what a week and weekends! Been so busy, and more tired.
Last weekend, we took a road trip to KY for the weekend.  Jimmy went to a comic convention there, and me and Arielle and her Boyfriend, went to the zoo on Saturday, and then Sunday we walked around downtown KY a little, and then I met up with Jimmy at the convention, and met some people.  Was a fun time, and nice to get away. J
The week seemed to go by incredibly slow.  Normal days at work, and people being crazy as usual.  Nothing new there.  School was good, had our first test of Wednesday.  That went well, and this week is spring break, so will be nice to have a week off.  Especially with month end close.  Thursday, went over to Carrie’s house, for a little girl time.  That was fun, but man am I tired at nights. 
Friday we started our painting, did the upstairs bedroom and bathroom.  Was so nice to get a fresh coat on the walls, but while doing that, I just thought of more things I’d like to do. :/ oops :P Tried to sleep in on Saturday, but that is hard when the baby gets hungry and starts kicking away around 9:30 lol  He seems to sleep in, which I hope stays true outside the womb, as it is inside J Would make mommy very happy J  We painted the kitchen and living room on Saturday.  I did a lot more than I probably should have.  But I am stubborn that way.  My legs were killing me come Saturday night, and yesterday, I felt like an old lady every time I would get up.  But the rooms look nice and fresh.  This upcoming weekend, I’d like to freshen the basement half wall and then the bathroom.  That’s it and done, oh and the baby’s room, needs the ceiling painted.  OK then done J
Since I was on my feet a lot, the little guy was calm.  But as soon as I would sit to relax a bit, he would be up and kicking.  He liked the constant movement.  He is mainly active between 10-11pm at night.  He’s a night owl also like mama J He likes to stay to the left side more, which is becoming more uncomfortable, since I had my surgery a few years back on that side, and my port is sitting there.  I don’t mind so much when it’s the right side, he can chill there all he wants J
I cleaned up after the mess of the painting weekend, yesterday.  Man does the house look nicer J I even organized the DVD’s, yep the nesting process, is still in overload.  Once we get the closets going this weekend, I will be able to organize some more in the baby’s room.  Did I mention how tired I get now, I am just tired, reliving this weekend LOL.  It was exhausting mentally and physically.  Hoping April dies down a bit, I am hoping to relax by May and June… yeah right, let’s see if that happens :P

(He is the length of a Carrot)

(Me and Arielle Louisville Zoo)

(Me and Jimmy @ Dinner)

(@ comic Convention)

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