Friday, March 15, 2013

Papa? Papa? Papaya!! :P

This week was a crazy one.  There was plenty going on, and the week isn't even over yet.  
Monday was a busy day at work, and then spent by a busy night at home, and tried to do some relaxing. 
Tuesday was another busy day, and also night.  Went to visit my friend Erin who had her baby on Monday, she had a baby boy, named him TJ (Tommy Jr).  He is adorable, makes me wish my boy was coming sooner, but I know he will be here in no time.  :) 
Wednesday was my long day, work was work, and then school was my first day of my new Business Math class.  It went very well.  They teacher seems cool, and I am not as worried about this class as I thought I was.  I had to take an entrance text to get in, and the first time I took it last Thursday, I didn't pass.  I re-took it on Saturday and passed it with no problem.  It almost seemed like it was a completely different test.  But the class was good, and we only have 9 people this time, so the next 8 weeks should be fun. 
Thursday was normal, and then I went to the dentist and got 3 fillings.  My whole right side of my face was numb until 9pm. LOL that was fun, but cavities all gone now :P 
Then today was an early day, since I had a doc appointment at 1pm.  We went and he is looking good, very healthy.  In fact he is growing ahead of schedule and is due 2 days sooner now.  He is 1lb 4oz, and I am not sure on the length but, his torso seems big at 18.8cm.  His heartbeat was 167, very strong and fast.  It was so good to see him again.  We wont again until the end of next month, when we have another 3D one.
They mentioned he will be growing again more in the next few weeks, and that makes sense, cause the past two days I've noticed a lot of growing pains.  But it's all worth it, and he is definitely moving a lot more.  It's fun :)  He can hear more now, so I've begun to talk to him in the mornings, on my drive in to work, or at night on my way home, or while laying in bed.
We are heading out of town this weekend, to Kentucky.  Jimmy is going to a comic convention, while Arielle and i take in some of the sights, and maybe the zoo.(Weather pending)  Otherwise we may be in the hotel swimming the whole time.  Looking forward to getting away for a little bit.

He's waving HELLO!! 

I think facing us... :P

Chillin :-) (We said he was doing a St. Pattys Jig)

The size of a Papaya!

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