Friday, February 1, 2013

Turnip the Volume..... =P

This week was a crazy week.  Between, work, school and home.  Man oh man!  Somehow the week dragged too.  The beginning of the week, we had car troubles with Jimmy's car, but got that straitened out, luckily.  Then I had to deal with work crap on Tuesday.  Wednesday was our daughter's 15th bday, so she is now one year closer to making me go completely gray. :-)  
Wednesday was crappy weather, and I didn't wear the appropriate shoes to work, and it had started to snow.  So luckily I had gym shoes to change into, for school.  I was a little worried to walk through the parking lot.  The slush, made it interesting.  Scary time, during bad weather, when you are preg, and trying not to fall on your ass or face.
Yesterday, I had month end close for work, and it was one of the worst days.  Not because of close, because of my aches and pains. I was ok the whole week, just the usual growing pains,  but yesterday, my back decided it wanted to join in on the fun.  I wanted to die, it hurt so bad in the morning.  I had a pillow behind me, while I sat at my desk.  My boobs were so soar and itchy, I wanted to rip them off!!  Then in the afternoon, once my back let up a bit, my stomach decided it was it's turn.  I think the baby was reinforcing the walls inside, maybe building a second floor, I have no clue.  But some major pulling and stretching happened in the afternoon.   WOWSERS!!! When I got home, all I wanted to do was relax.  I luckily got a nice lower back massage, by Jimmy that night.  I rubbed his knees, he got my back.  What a couple, falling apart at the seams. LOL
At night, as I do every night.  I laid in bed, and rubbed my belly. As I did I noticed, it is getting much more firm, and again seems to be moving upward.  The little alien still seems to be towards the left side.  Which is funny, I sleep on the right every night.  I never turn over, or roll to the other side.  It's actually uncomfy for me to lay to the left.  They said that in the next 2-3 weeks, I would experience a lot of growth and the baby was going to double in size.  They weren't kidding!!! 
Oh and the 2lbs I lost last week, I gained 3lbs this week! So I made up my 1lb a week, the doc said to do. LOL  Yesterday was the first time, Arielle said, " mom wow, your stomach is starting to show!" yep, it's coming! LOL no hiding it now. Not that I would want to, but instead of just looking like you've packed on some pounds, you have an actual reason for it. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Torture a 2week span I gained 4lbs and only a half this 2week
    Dam...kid. Love your pics to you soon.
    The other preggo...xoxox
