Friday, December 21, 2012

11 Weeks..... It's a Fig!!

Well what has happened this week? Well I had some gag moments :/ ... once while brushing my teeth, once last night while doing the dishes, and another when I was making Arielle her lunch.  Even though the smell of meat still is gross, I made her a sandwich anyway, that's love! :) 
Yesterday I noticed my uterus was more sensitive that usual.  Odd I know... how would people even know?? But I feel everything it seems, it is strange.  Well I guess it is normal, since there is a lot of growing going on, stretching, blah blah.  So that is lovely. :) 
Sleeping has been on and off all week.  I slept the best Wednesday night, had the most energy when I woke up Thursday, and slept through the night.  But was back to my normal pattern yesterday, and waking up at 4am, for my potty break.  My back has been hurting this week also, so that has been fun. 
I've noticed to, I am getting a more solid feeling under my belly button, and I can feel it swelling. 
Cravings so far, have been chocolate, which I have never been a major chocolate eater.  Also Sushi, and yes the cooked sushi, California rolls and Tempura. MMMMM sounds good just typing it! :) 
I've come to the realization that I will need to get some maternity pants for work.  I already have them for my  jeans, but I am down to my last pair of pants for work. So guess I will be looking for some this weekend. :P
The baby is the size of a Fig this week.  An ironic funny story today, this woman at work, came by my desk. She asks me if I would like a stuffed fig, I look in the box, and I say, " No I can't eat my baby."   We start laughing, and she is like, "wtf??" LOL So I explain, that I got an email shortly before, that the baby is the size of a fig. LMAO.... so then we say, "Don't eat the baby!" 
Looking forward to xmas next week!!! 


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