Monday, June 3, 2013

Baby Shower Palooza!!

Well this past week, was busy as usual.  Between work and school, that took up some time. LOL School, I have to prepare for a speech, for this week... YUK!, and work, I had month end close on Friday.  Only one more left!!! :) Not that I'm counting down. :) 
Last Thursday, I had a doc appointment, and they did a stress test on the little guy.  He is healthy as can be, and I couldn't be happier about that.  The doc's words were "beautiful pattern".  Meaning his breathing was good, and his heartbeat was strong and he was getting enough oxygen.  So very good to hear.  The weird thing is, every time I see him, he seems to think, he's bigger than what he seems.  When I went for the ultrasound the week before he measured at 4lbs 11oz... doc said, he's a little big.. WHAT! That is normal!! LOL He's got to be around 5 and then some by now.  I actually gained 2lbs at this doc apt.  Which was good, cause I lost 3lbs before that.... LOL But he had to have gotten at least half of that. :P Chubbs, is a big solid boy. :) 
Well after all that fun, Friday night I did some cleaning, and then my friend Jen stopped by, and we talked later into the night than we thought LOL She also dropped off of a big garbage bag of clothes, from what she  had from her son.  So my little guy is for sure set for this summer.  I can safely say, he will have a diff outfit each day! LOL I of course will document each adorable one! :) I better invest in some good coupons from Shutterfly, Cause I will need alot of albums :) hehe 
Saturday was my baby shower.   The weather turned out to be cloudy, and that was ok.  My BFF, Mary through and amazing shower.  She did the cutest thing, and had live frogs as the center pieces for the tables.  Was VERY cute.  We even got to take one home.  Arielle picked out the baby one, so she now has a new pet.  Baby Moylan, got some very adorable things, and all we can't wait for him to use and play with. :)
After the shower, my cousin Kristie from Michigan stayed with us, since we had my other cousins baby shower yesterday.  It was nice catching up and talking late into the night.  
Yesterday, we got up and went to our cousin Amber's Baby Shower.  Was very nice, and was fun to see all girl stuff.  Since I am having the boy, it's nice to be able to shop for some girl things too.  After that, Arielle and I headed to the pet store, to equip our new friend with his new home.  Then we ran some other errands. By the time I got home, it was time to make some dinner, then sit down and watch some of the Hawks game, and then the Organizing began.  That was much fun.  I unpacked a lot, and we sorted through it all and put it away. I made me even more excited, to see his room coming to a completion.  Sometime this week, I will bet setting up the Play Yard/Bassinet in our room.  He will be sleeping there for the first 4-6wks, until I am comfortable enough to move him to his crib. :) Then I have all this clothes to wash, which will be nice, and then I can finally sort all of that.
5 more weeks left, and I can't wait.  I am VERY anxious, and scared, and excited all wrapped into one. :) 

He is the size of a Cataloupe

Hooked up to HB Machine...

His HB <3

Family Pic from Baby Shower

Me and Mary, my BFFFL

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