Monday, June 10, 2013

Time to complain...Heading into final stretch.. :-)

So this is it…. The last month is approaching.  I had a good run, so I can’t complain too much, well I can complain and I will LOL But up until now, this pregnancy has been pretty much a cake walk.  So if this last month, I have to go through all the bad, then so be it.  For my little man, it will all be worth it.
Last week, was good in some ways and bad in others.  Good for school, cause I had my first speech, and I got a B+, so I was excited about that.  Good for Arielle, cause it was her last week of school, and she is now on summer break.  Good for Jimmy cause I am just that awesome, JK, he got some extra money come his way.  Other than that, the week was crap! Lol
Work was hell as usual, so I am really counting down my days now, and just so happens, my temp is leaving me.  So we need to find a new one.  And I will have under 4 wks to train them, so that means, yep you guessed it, I will be doing some things from home, from time to time.  No other way around it.
Got hooked up to the machine at the doc again.  Seems like I will every week.  Which is fine, get to hear my little man.  It’s fun to hear him move, and sometimes a contraction happens.  LOL  This weeks apt, I get a cervix check, to see if I am getting ready, either dilated yet, or softer.  Also a Group B  streptococcus screening, making sure I don’t carry any viruses or bacteria, that can be passed on to the baby during birth.  FUN!
This past weekend, we went to my cousins house for a Breastfeeding class.  Jimmy and I both thought it was very imformative.  More than we would have, which is good.  Hoping we don’t need to use any of the “what if”  techniques or have any problems, but if we do, we should be able to troubleshoot any problems. :-P
Yesterday, we went to the movies and saw Internship.  Was very funny.  Then when we got home, I was determined to do all the baby’s laundry and organize his closet.  That didn’t exactly get finished. LOL during about the 2nd or 3rd load, I passed out folding clothes, for about 30-40min nap.  I was so tired, hadn’t been sleeping well again.  I seem to go through spurts, maybe it is when he is growing. LOL who knows.  But I managed to finish the laundry last night,  just have to finish organizing his room, later today.  Also set up the play yard/bassinet next to our bed last night.  It’s perfect, he will be right there next to me, for the first 3-4wks, until I move him into his room.  It will be very good, for late night nursing, since the rocker is in our room also.Now on to the bitching.  Yep, I haven’t done much of it, but now I get to.  LOL Where do I start?  Back? Yep, that is killing me!  I’ve had back pains before, but this is worse now.  I have to recline the car seat back in the car, my work chair at work, and need pillows more than ever.  My ankles have started this fun swelling.  I haven’t had any up until now… so it is fun to see cankles LOL  But also a pain, cause those  joints hurt at night, along with my knees.  So I have this BenGay stuff that I put on them.  Thankfully that helps.  I can’t fully shave anymore, so that’s become fun LOL I’ve managed to do a decent job, but I just decided to stick to capris, and worry about the lower half of my legs for now LOL  Stairs, have become an enemy, I never would mind taking the stairs, but I am more out of breath now.  So at work, I take the elevator sometimes.   Now on to sleep.  It is funny, cause people say, rest up now, you will need it! BS!!! LOL First I can’t rest… I had a problem going to sleep as it was.  It would take me at least 30mins… now on top of that, I have this little man inside, moving around at night, and he HATES when I sleep on my right side, I think cause his head is over that way.   Sooooo that leaves me one position.  My left side.  So, here I am with a body pillow propped up behind me, and more pillows to my left, and tilted to the left, but not all the way, and a pillow between my legs.  Comfy!?  Not nearly… So sleep hasn’t been happening much, and then I get up to pee, closer to every hour now.  Use to be every 2 hrs, now it is getting closer to the 1hr mark.  He is dropping, and it’s pressing on my bladder more.  The other fun thing is, he loves my ribs.  So it is only fitting, that I will get a tattoo of his hand, and a symbol on my ribs.  He  is worth it, but making me even more uncomfy.  I try and push him, but he is a stubborn one, NOT SURPRISED. So all in all…. I am looking forward to the end.  Pregnancy has been fun.  Would I do it again, maybe, but I don’t plan on it.  He will be my one little angel.   I am good with that.  We will see if he graces our presence a little early or not.  I wouldn’t mind a week early, but we will see.  It’s up to him, whenever he is ready!   I know I am! 

(He is about 5-6lbs already)

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