Well this past week has been very busy as usual. I was wondering if it would slow down in
June. It doesn’t look like it will, I am
already booked through mid month, with stuff.
Which is fine…. J But I am getting more tired, and learning, I
can not do as much as much as I would like.
I am very stubborn, and my restrictions that keep adding up, get me
frustrated. I want to be able to do
more. Even doing laundry this past
weekend pooped me out. I had to take a
break mid-way through and relax.
Last week was busy with work, and I started my first class
of Speech, for school. So after the 6
weeks of school is up, I will only have 1 week to go. Talk about anxious!! LOL I was going to take
my computer class over the summer, but we decided I will be so busy and focused
on my boy, even the 4 hrs away on weds, wouldn’t be good. So I will make up that class next spring or
summer sometime, not a big deal. I will
resume again in the fall (Sept).
On Friday, had a half day, and went to my last
ultrasound. Was so happy to see my big
boy. He is growing on schedule, and was
at 4lbs- 11oz so far. All his organs
looked healthy and in place, and developed as they should be. His heartbeat was 148, which has been normal
and healthy for him. He is still moving
around like clockwork, every 2hrs. He’s
of course getting stronger, so he’s getting some good kicks in there now. My BFF Mary, went with for the
Ultrasound. Was nice for her to be able
to see him in there J Since she will be seeing a lot more of me in
6 wks! Lol Yeah her and the hubby will
be in the room. She is picture person,
and he will be there for me to squeeze!!!
After the US, we headed back home, changed, and got ready for the
evening. Which we had a Tim McGraw
concert. It was very fun, I think the
baby even liked it. It was outdoors, so
it wasn’t too loud for him, and I was able to sit on my blanket, if I got
tired. Which I did, around 10pm. Was nice to spend the night with my friends,
and enjoy some great music! Makes me
look so forward to this summer. So many
plans, and so many things we want to do.
Just hope my little guy will be ready for all our adventures. J
Saturday, was a good day to sleep in a little. Then Jimmy and I ran some errands, and then
rented some movies for the night. Watched “This is 40”, some hilarious stuff
about kids and family. All in all a
busy and relaxing day, at the same time.
Then watched game 5 of the Hawks, Redwings series… Hawks won!!! Sunday we went and saw Fast n Furious 6. Was very good! Those movies are rarely a let down. That night, we watched the movie we didn’t’
get to, from sat night. “Django” was interesting I suppose.
Yesterday was Memorial Day, so it was nice being off. Enjoyed sleeping in, doesn’t happen that
often. Then did nothing all day, but laundry
and some light cleaning. Otherwise, I was
tired and laid on the couch and watched tv, and saw the first Star Trek
movie. Then it was time for Game 6…
which was another good one… had us worried for a bit, but ended up good! So Wednesday will be Game 7, and I have
school, but I will be keeping updated from my phone. This is going to be very interesting. I will either have a very happy husband after
Weds night, or a semi cranky pants for a little bit, if his team wins or
loses. Yikes ;-/
Last week, one of my friends, had her baby boy, and he was
able to come home yesterday. Very
excited for them. He is a cutie!! \
Other than all that, it’s just the sleeping, that is getting
to me. I am up every 2 hrs… so I am
perfectly ready for a new born LOL but I
sleep with my body pillow to my right, and two other pillows to my left. I switch sides throughout the night, not
fully sleeping on my side anymore, kind of propped in an angled position. I slept on the couch for an hour Sunday morning. It was comfy, so that may be my new go to
spot soon. I also need it very cold in
the room when I am sleeping. I had the
air on last night, and I still managed to break a sweat. LOVELY lol
I am looking forward to this weekend. We have baby shower-palooza’s this
weekend. Mine is on Saturday and my
cousins is Sunday. So it will be nice
to see family and friends all weekend. I’ve
been stalking the weather forecast, and the rain better go away!
Chubbs and his cheeks :)
All his bones and heart, and organs are good! <3
He's the size of a Pinneapple :P
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