Sunday, May 19, 2013

Busy Times......Busier times ahead....

Well the past two weeks have been crazy busy.  Between Arielle's prom one weekend, to mini girls trip and mother's day the next weekend.  Time is flying.  Not to mention Doc visits in between.
I had gone back to my doc May 6th, for a follow up on my sugar levels.  I was about 60% he said.  He was ok with still not putting me on medication, but still wanted me to monitor my levels every day, 4 times a day.  So that has been fun. UGGGGGHHHH....  At that visit he also mentioned that he thought the little man was growing ahead of schedule. We would know more at the ultrasound on the 24th.  But he mentioned, that he may induce me the week before my due date, if needed.  So we will see, we will know more, when we get to see his growth, during the ultrasound.  He's a healthy boy :) and his Heartbeat is always good.
Last week was a nice 4 day work week.  I started training my new temp, which is going MUCH better.  She  catches on much faster, and takes great notes.  So I feel a bit better, leaving and knowing, things may be ok. But I think I will still be monitoring things from home, from time to time, among a few others things. Oh well.
Last Friday, I was off, and in the morning, Mary and I had a plane to catch to Minnesota, for the Mall of America for the weekend.  We needed a little girls weekend.  Before all the craziness of a baby, and the summer brought us.  It was a much needed break.  We had fun shopping of course, as well at the Aquarium and Bubba Gumps for dinner one night.
I came back on Sunday afternoon.  Which was Mother's Day.  Was greeted with a nice card from my step-daughter. She is so sweet sometimes, for a teenager. :-)  Then later in the night, Jimmy and I went to Big Bowl , for dinner.   Yummmm... which he got me a wine.  I hadn't had much but a few sips, this whole time, while pregnant.  He said, I could have a glass.  I still didn't drink the whole thing, and had him help me.  I guess it's a mental block.  But I will be drinking plenty of wine afterwards, no worries. :) 
This past week, seemed so crazy at work.  Was a shortened week though, which was VERY nice.  Wednesday, I wasn't feeling so great, and was VERY tired.   I haven't been sleeping that great this past week.  My knees and ankles have decided to give me more aches and pains, and my hips, when I sleep.  or when trying to sleep.  So I had about 3 nights in a row, of finally falling asleep around 2am.  Which when the alarm goes off at 6am, isn't that long. :(  So I all caught up to me, on Wednesday.  I slept till noon that day, and seemed to have sweat a fever out, i didn't even know i had. 
Friday I had another follow up appointment with the doc.  I went into work early, to leave early.  Which was nice, and I can't wait to do it again this Friday.  But all was good, he still was ok with not putting me on meds, and the baby's heartbeat was normal.  He is always in the 140's.  I have scheduled appointments for the next 6 weeks.  This Friday is the Ultrasound, and then every Thursday in June.  It seems like a lot, but It's better to be over prepared, than anything. 
I am starting to get a bit nervous and anxious at the same time.  I've talked with some people, about the big day.  I feel a little relieved and at the same time, still freaked.  I just want that part over with, so we can get to the after part, and my little man is here.
I am looking forward to the next 7 weeks, and hope they fly by, like the past 33 have.  I just feel like the pains, that have surfaced, will be the worst of it.  But if I can say I had 7 months with no problems, and only 2 with, I will take it.  He is all worth it.  Even when he kicks me really hard, and likes to bury himself in my ribs.  Still makes me smile, cause I love feeling him move around.  I really can't wait until he is hear.  And I will remind him how he was such a pain in my ribs :-P as he gets older.  But my tattoos, that I will be getting for him, will make them even more special.  They will be on my right ribs, where he seems to favor going to.
I look forward to this week and Memorial weekend ahead.  And the remaining journey I have left. 

32 weeks, into 33...... 


A little damage :-)

Mother's Day Drink :-)

He's the size of a Large Jicama....a what??? LMAO

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