Monday, May 6, 2013

Crossing into single digits....

Well it was another busy week.  Hard to imagine, we are coming up on only 9 weeks left.  Amazing how the time has flown.  At least I think so.  LOL But I have a feeling, since I am so impatient, the remaining time will drag.  But so much will be going on in May, that all I will have to do, is hopefully just relax in June. Yeah right! :) 
Last week, was a bit hectic.  Work, school, and getting kid ready for Prom. Tuesday was Prom shopping, and boy was that fun. (Said Sarcastically)
Wednesday was school, it was a pretty short, class, since we only have one left, which is a test.  We went over 3 chapters, and that was it! I will take it.
Thursday wasn't much, but then Friday kicked off the weekend.  Which I am still tired from. Friday we went out with some friends to see the movie Iron Man 3.  That was good.  I realized that I need to start going potty, before a 2hr movie.  I felt bad, that I had to get up, mid movie, to use the bathroom.  But there was no way I was holding it another hour. LOL 
Then Saturday, we got up.  I cleaned a little, and then had some "me" time to do my toes and nails, while the house was empty.  I have to take advantage of that while I can. :) Then in the afternoon, took the girl to get her hair done.  Looked so good.  We went and took pictures shortly after, and then they were off to prom.  Jimmy and I then tackled her bedroom, mainly the closet.  We emptied it out, and put new shelves inside.  This was good to do, while she was out of the house, and out of the way.  :) While he was putting the shelving up, I was doing some "nesting" of my own.  Cleaned the rest of her room, and organized it.  Then I moved over to the babies room, where I finished a fleece cover for the mobile, along with a fleece cover for the railing of the crib.  Got those ideas from Pinterest, LOVE that site.  We didn't get done until late, seemed like it took forever, but it was nice, we watched some hockey, and The Voice, while we worked.  Then I figured, I would try and stay up, since I had to pick up the kids from Prom in a couple hrs.  But I ended up falling asleep for about 2 hrs.  Woke up at 3:30 and went and picked them up around 4.  They went on a post prom cruise downtown, on the Odyssey.  They said it was amazing.  Man proms sure have changed, since we had gone.  By the time we had returned home, I tried going back to sleep, but somehow couldn't.  Jimmy's snoring had me up, and then the birds outside were coming out.  Soooo I didn't end up falling asleep until 6am.... then woke around 10.... 
We decided to head to Lombard for the Lilac fest, which had a craft fair.  That my cousin was involved with.  We stopped by their booth a couple times, and ended up getting some Cowboys and Lions Bag-O Bags, for our boards that Jimmy is going to be making.  :) (Jimmy thinks he will be picking his own teams he likes.. hmmm we will see about that) lmao.....  And a cat toy, that the cats, LOVED when we got home. 
I wanted to take a nap, and listen/watch the Hawks game, once we got home.  I ended up dozing off for about 20-30mins maybe.  Then our friends invited us to dinner.  So for Cinco de Mayo, we went out for Sushi.  LOL 
I am pooped just reliving this past week LOL... So needless to say, I am tired today.  I just want to crash when I get home later.  I have a follow up doc apt to attend to first, so we will see how that goes. 
In baby news.... he's still moving around like crazy.  We still play our little game, when he kicks me, I rub my belly and he kicks back.  It's too cute.  I find myself watching my stomach during work, or just sitting on the couch, I can see him kicking.  He is getting stronger each week, So I fear I will be in for it next month.  Heartburn has been fun.  This past week, I have been battling the soar ankles and calves.  They swell a little, depending on the heat, but for the most part, just sore.  Also the veins, BLUE! and look creepy, so I wont be wearing shorts any time soon... maybe just capris LOL  Each week, I am looking more towards what lies ahead.  I can't wait to meet him, and start spoiling him with my love. :) Oh and I've been using my heart monitor, and his HB has been consistent in the 130's-140's... strong and good :-) <3

On our stairs

Her BF's Junior Prom 2013

Our Pond

30 weeks 

He is just a Head of Cabbage :-)

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