Monday, April 8, 2013

What does that mean??

So this past week was crazy, needless to say.  Work was nuts, as usual.  Same ole same ole.  Been training my temp, and that's been..... let's just say going. :-) 
The whole week seems like a blur to me at this point, after the weekend.  I dealt with my Bank Account being hacked(last week), and got my new bank card, that was fun. 
The week was over, full moon had passed, and people needed to stop taking stuff out on me, especially when I had nada to with it.  I was ready for Friday, no doubt!. 
Friday night was just a chill night, made a fire and enjoyed that.  But the week had be exhausted, so I was in bed fairly early for a Friday, around 10:45-11pm.  Yep, that is early for me! :-) 
Saturday, we had an early 9:30am doc appointment.  I had my sugar test, for Pregnancy Diabetes.  That was fun.  That lovely Orange punch they gave was a killer.  I drank a cup of it, and then an hour later, I was told, they would be drawing blood.  OK!  Well I started to get hot shortly after, all that sugar in there, no wonder.  We saw the doc in between, and he measured me and took my weight and got the baby's heartbeat.  When he measured me from top to bottom he said, "hmmm, you seem to be slightly ahead in size."  WHAT!!! What does that mean? will he be a big boy, or early?? lol So he said, we will see where he is at next month, at 32 wks, I will do another Ultrasound, and we will see where his size and development is by then.  oh boy!!  His heartbeat was in the 150's, still going strong. :) He let me know, that all growth looked good and normal, from my last ultrasound.  Doc said, he was in the 41% range for growth, which he said was average for that stage.  I hadn't gained any weight either, in the month.  But the doc isn't worried, the Baby is growing, so he is getting it all.  So that was all good. :) When we were done with the doc, it was time for me to get my blood drawn.  They will call in 3 days, if anything is abnormal, and I would need more tests, so lets hope not.  After  that I was starved, and we went and got food!! LOL  But I wasn't feeling so good, but about 1-2hrs later, and drinking some water, it went away.  We then headed to our two stores we were registering at, Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby.  That was an adventure, to say the least.  LOL   It was fun, but the same time, anxiety kicked in.  Making sure, I had everything I had everything I should, was harder than I thought.  By the time we were done, I had a headache, and we went home, and I added some things, and replaced others.  All good :)  So now I just have to get my list of people together tonight, and off to my bff for her to take over. :-)
So besides all of that, the baby has been moving like a crazy boy.  We have begun this new game, when he kicks, I shove back, and he continues to kick.  It's fun! :P Makes me laugh, like he actually understands what is going on.  LOL  He's been finding a nice comfy spot for himself, under my right ribs.  I am NOT liking that one bit, so I try moving him.  Takes a little bit, and some moving around, but finally his little stubborn butt, moves.  I can't wait to see him at the end of the month, I am getting very excited!! :) 
I am hoping my heartbeat monitor comes this week, and I can listen to him at night.  I already talk to him in the car, or in bed at night, and rub him.  We have our moments, and it seems like he responds to my voice.  Jimmy finally felt him kick, for the first time on Saturday.  It was cute, I said, he is kicking, so he hurried over, and felt a few kicks.  He was like," awww, oooohhh " lol  He is definitely getting stronger each week.
We didn't do any housework this week, I was too tired, and I wanted to give poor Jimmy a break.  He wants to finish the laundry room, and when he does that, he will paint both the basement and in there.  So probably by the end of the month.  Joy.. Joy!! 

(His size, 14-16inches in total)

(He's a little cramped in there) ;-)

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