Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cabbage Patch Kid?

Well I have now entered the 3rd trimester.  Here we go! I am looking forward to these last 11-12wks.  I think they will be the longest.  LOL but well worth the wait.  I am hoping this next week goes by quickly, so then I get to see my little man again, in 3D! :-)
This week, was pretty draining.  Work was busy, and not at the same time.  School was good, I got an A on my test from the week before, I was pretty excited about that.  Hopefully I do well on this weeks test, we will see.
During the week Jimmy had two days of filming for the TV show, Chicago Fire.  That is pretty exciting.  We will see if he actually gets on TV one of these times.
This past weekend was a busy one for me.  Friday, enjoyed date night with the Hubby at an LFL game.  That was fun! Then Saturday went to a hockey game with my friends at the Wolves game.  Today went to a chocolate party at Carrie's house.  A lot of good stuff MMMMM..... 
Last week I was suppose to have a follow up appointment with my doctor, I had failed my sugar test.  The big bad storm decided to come that day, and our basement got a little flooding, as well as many other people homes and streets :-(  So the roads to the doc's office were blocked and I couldn't make it.  They had canceled all apts, and I am rescheduled for Monday. 
I really hope we are done with this cold weather and move on to some warmer weather coming up.  I am over it! :-) 
This week the boy has been moving like crazy as usual.  He still kicks every 2hrs, and sometimes even more.  On Saturday night, he was very active, while I was at the Hockey game.  It was very loud, so I think he was freaked out as to what was going on.  I've been dealing with some sleep issues, and some gas problems.  So that has been some fun new developments.  I hope those get better.

(He is the size of a Chinese Cabbage)

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