Monday, April 15, 2013

The Beat still goes on..... :-) (Video Attached)

Week 27 was a busy one, as usual.  I wouldn't expect any less at this point.  A lot went on this week. Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal, just worked, and trained my temp.  Wednesday, started the fun of the week.  Work and then school, where I had my test.  We find out this week, how we did.  yikes... Since I was done with my test early, I was able to meet some peeps by bowling, and watch them.  That was fun.
Thursday I was counting down the hours, until my day off.  The day was crazy at work, as usual.  People are getting more crazy, and we are working on our new system, which rolls out in increments.  FUN FUN!!  By the time I come back in October, we will have the whole company, in the new system.  OH JOY!! :-/
Well Friday started the eventful weekend. I was up and ready to leave the house at 8:30am, for my 3Hr Doc Apt, to check my Sugar levels.  So when I got there, they took my blood, then I had to drink this nasty, Orange Flavored drink, that had 100G's of sugar in it. YUK!! Every hour after that, they drew my blood.  I should find out this week sometime, the results.  We will see.  Last time, I just hit the top number of 139, and since my BMI is high, the doc wanted to do some more testing.  Lucky Me! Better safe than sorry I guess.  After a very long morning in the doc's, I then headed home, and ran some errands with the hubby for the afternoon.  We had to run to some stores, and then we went and picked up a Rocker/Glider, for our bedroom.  I will now be able to rock my little boy, back to sleep.  It is very comfy and I am very excited about it. After that, I had vet apts, for the cat's @ 6Pm.  So we took them, and then we lucky enough to schedule Garfield for his Neutering, the very next morning.  Poor boy.  After the vet, we headed to a local bar, and met up with some of our friends to watch the Hawks vs. Wings game.  Was a great game, Hawks won! and first time in over 30+yrs they swept the wings. Woot Woot! We went home afterwards, and I crashed from my long day.
Saturday, was a day of Grocery shopping and more errands.  Brought my daughter with me this time.  We ran all our stores, and then Groceries last.  It is getting harder for me, to lift, and bend at the store :-/ So I think I will always have to have someone with me now, for some help.  We got home, and the boys were able to help us unload, thankfully!! AJ was over for the weekend, so he was being entertained by Jimmy all weekend.  Later that day I had to go pick up our little patient, Garfield from the vet.  Awww he has a cone on his head for the next 2 weeks, my poor boy.  Then that night, the fun started, if I wasn't having enough fun already in the past 36hrs. LOL  It was time for Girls Night!! We headed over to Carrie's house, and we made our Fish bowls, and decorated them.  Mine of course was filled with Sprite and Grenadine.  But still yummmm :P The girls, made good use of theirs, with the unlimited amounts of alcohol they consumed.  We intended to leave Carrie's and head to a bar, but those Fish Bowls hit some of them hard.  So we stayed, played games, talked, and went late into the night talking.  Good Times! <3 Love my friends dearly.
Sunday I headed home early AM, then it was time for cleaning, laundry and the usual Sunday happenings.  I did all of that, and will continue more tonight.  Headed to Joann Fabrics, my other favorite place.  I made a blanket for my boy, since the other one I gave away, and I made some pillows, from extra fabric i had. :) I got some other fabric, to place over the arch of the Mobile, and the Railing on the Crib, Yep all Pinterest Ideas! :)  
All in all a busy week, and a busier weekend, which never goes by slow enough. :-) 
In baby news... He is still kicking me like crazy, every 2 hrs or so.  I have been getting more heartburn, and noticing, I can't do a lot of the same things I could before.  Well it is getting harder.  I am stubborn, so I need to know my limits. That's the hard part! While at the doc, I had scheduled, my 33wk US, for next month.  We will see how big he is, and if he will be earlier than they think. Hmmmmm.  Next weekend is our 3D US, and I can't wait to see him again!! :) He should be fully formed by now, and human looking :) I can't wait!! :)
Below I have attached pics, of the Belly Pic for 27wks, the Chair/Glider we got, Poor Little Garfield and his satellite reception, and a video of the baby's HB :-) Oh and he is the size of a Head of Cauliflower. :-P


Me and my boy 27wks

Poor Garfield

Head of Cauliflower

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