Monday, July 1, 2013

The Home Stretch!! Final Week!!!!!!!

I can’t believe this week is finally here!!!! But had to get through last weeks madness to get here.
Last week was busy as usual, I wouldn’t expect any less.  Work was crazy of course, cause it was month end week.  Wednesday, I had my last day of school.  That was good, I did my last speech, and got an A, which then gave me and A, in the class.  So yeah me! I will be off for 8 weeks from school, and then the end of Aug, start my Fall Semester.  It will be nice to have the break, and especially since my little man will be with me.  He will be needing all my love and attention all the time.
Thursday had my last doctors appointment, went well, as usual.  I was hooked up the monitor a little longer, cause he was sleeping when we started, so his HB was lower, so we woke him up and all was good.  He checked to see if I was dilated, and I still wasn’t, which is ok.  My cervix is soft and ready to go, so we will see.
Friday, went out for Jackie’s bday.  Went to Big Bowl for dinner, yep, two weeks in a row! NICE! Then we saw the movie, The Heat, w/ Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.  Hilarious, that Melissa never fails to crack me up.  I couldn’t make it through the whole 2 hr movie, without a bathroom break anymore.  Good thing, that was my last movie for a little while. LOL
Saturday, we did some errands, grocery shopping and then some family shopping at the Aurora Outlet mall.  Was good.  Then I went to the Hunter Hayes show at night, which was at Joliet Fest.  Was fun people watching for sure!  My next concert wont be until the end of next month.  Probably the first time I go out without my little man.  But by then I should be ok. Hehe….
Yesterday I began my cleaning and last organizing of the house, before we go to the hospital at the end of this week.  I know Thursday I will spend going crazy, and making sure it’s all ready.  But that is ok.  I can’t believe this week is here.  It’s gone by fast, and it hasn’t been bad at all.  I can’t wait until he is here.  When I think about him being here this weekend, I get wayyyyy emotional.  I am anxious, scared, nervous, happy, sad, edgy all wrapped into one…..  I had gone for a prenatal massage yesterday and it was amazing.  Just what I needed going into this week.  She couldn’t do my hands and feet, cause those have spots on me that release endorphins into the body and can cause labor to start.  I was all for it, but she gave me some pointers, for when I am in labor, what could possibly help speed up the process and help.  So we will see.
The next time I write, he will be here, and I am sure I will have plenty of pictures of him.  I am still having anxiety over what to name him, but I think, once I see him I will know.  That is what everyone tells me at least!
Thankful to everyone along the way in this journey.  It has been so wonderful, and I look forward to what is to come.  I can’t wait to be a mom.  I’ve been a step mom for so long, it will be nice to have one of my own.  He is going to be my spoiled little one.  There is so much I can’t wait to do with him, for him.. all of it!

I think about the people out there, that don’t want kids or have them, and don’t care about them.  That thought just boggles my mind.  Regardless of how crazy life gets, once you have a child, your focus changes.  I can’t imagine not loving him more than life itself.  I am very lucky to have people in my life, that care about me and jimmy and super happy for us.  This little man, is lucky also, and he doesn’t even know it yet.  He is going to have a lot of awesome aunties and uncles, who will shower him with love!  We are truly blessed.  xo

Week 38, front

Week 38, side

He's a size of a Mini Watermelon 

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