Sunday, March 31, 2013

Painting, Organizing, & Cleaning...Oh My!!

Week 25 has sure been an interesting one.  A lot has gone on, and a lot more to come.  Spring is coming, spring is coming!! Not only have I begun to do some spring cleaning, but the nesting was in full effect this week.  Last weekend started the painting... and this weekend was some more.  I will get to that soon. LOL
Monday started this weeks month/quarter end close at work.  So work was interesting.  Spring break was also going on for most schools.  Arielle was home all week, and my school was off also.  So needless to say, traffic was nice!
On Wednesday I got my very own temp.  He's a young one, but can be trained.  I have 3 months to train him on my job.  Lets see how the next 30 days go.  
Thursday was a good day of training, on top of going to see GI Joe at night.  Yeah buddy, nothing like ending the day, with a little Channing Tatum.  ;-)
Friday was month end close, so needless to say, work was crazy.  But the day went  by fast.  3 more month ends to go, and I'm off for a while :) I am officially counting down the weeks :) 15 more to go!! :) Woot Woot!!  Oh I ordered a baby heart monitor, so I can hear the little guys heartbeat, just like the one in the docs office.  I can feel him, but I'd like to hear him also. :)  So I can't wait for that to come! Then I can post some audio clips.  (they will all sound the same) lol
Aj came and visited us this weekend, so Jimmy was busy entertaining him Friday and Saturday.  Friday night I went to Menards to get paint, and closet shelving units. Saturday I cleaned the house, and then went and got the car washed, and then I started on the baby's room closet clean  up, before the shelves got installed.  When Jimmy got home from the movies with Aj, he helped put the shelves in, and then I went to Mary's house, for a tattoo party.  Hung around and had some good laughs as usual.  Was tired after a long day.
Today, finished the shelves and organizing his room.  I had bought some new sheets and comforter, to match the baby's bedding, for Aj's bed.  Also a new rug.  I set all that up, and looks nice now, all matches.  Makes me happy.  Last piece I have left is the wall decals.  I will get those sometime by the end of the week or next week.  I would have gone tomorrow, but my bank account, had some fraud activity against it.  So I got that taken care of, but my account is frozen and I need to wait for my new card to come in the mail.  FUN FUN!! LOL
Later in the day today , I painted the downstairs bathroom.  Came out great! :) 
Needless to say I am pooped!!! Last weekend and this weekend have kicked my butt! But it's all worth it in the end.
I am really hoping to be able to rest in May/June :) We will see how that works out :) 
In baby news... He's been moving and kicking all week like crazy, as usual.  But this week, he has moved up at times, and likes to find himself near my ribs.  That's been fun :/  I can only imagine when he gets bigger and stronger.  I am noticing some sleep patterns with him, which I hope continue when he is on the outside.  He is a night owl, like his mama.  And he likes to sleep in between 8:30-9:30am, which is fine by me :)  So lets hope he is that way on the outside. :) 
I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks ahead, and more growth and more movement.
Pics below of of his room and of the new basement bathroom color. :) 

(Baby's Room)

(New Bedding for Bed)

(Hid the wire for TV, Needs Wall Decals)

(He's got a lot of books)

(Shelves are getting stocked!)

(Basement Bathroom)

Monday, March 25, 2013

24 Carrot Gold! ;)

Man oh Man what a week and weekends! Been so busy, and more tired.
Last weekend, we took a road trip to KY for the weekend.  Jimmy went to a comic convention there, and me and Arielle and her Boyfriend, went to the zoo on Saturday, and then Sunday we walked around downtown KY a little, and then I met up with Jimmy at the convention, and met some people.  Was a fun time, and nice to get away. J
The week seemed to go by incredibly slow.  Normal days at work, and people being crazy as usual.  Nothing new there.  School was good, had our first test of Wednesday.  That went well, and this week is spring break, so will be nice to have a week off.  Especially with month end close.  Thursday, went over to Carrie’s house, for a little girl time.  That was fun, but man am I tired at nights. 
Friday we started our painting, did the upstairs bedroom and bathroom.  Was so nice to get a fresh coat on the walls, but while doing that, I just thought of more things I’d like to do. :/ oops :P Tried to sleep in on Saturday, but that is hard when the baby gets hungry and starts kicking away around 9:30 lol  He seems to sleep in, which I hope stays true outside the womb, as it is inside J Would make mommy very happy J  We painted the kitchen and living room on Saturday.  I did a lot more than I probably should have.  But I am stubborn that way.  My legs were killing me come Saturday night, and yesterday, I felt like an old lady every time I would get up.  But the rooms look nice and fresh.  This upcoming weekend, I’d like to freshen the basement half wall and then the bathroom.  That’s it and done, oh and the baby’s room, needs the ceiling painted.  OK then done J
Since I was on my feet a lot, the little guy was calm.  But as soon as I would sit to relax a bit, he would be up and kicking.  He liked the constant movement.  He is mainly active between 10-11pm at night.  He’s a night owl also like mama J He likes to stay to the left side more, which is becoming more uncomfortable, since I had my surgery a few years back on that side, and my port is sitting there.  I don’t mind so much when it’s the right side, he can chill there all he wants J
I cleaned up after the mess of the painting weekend, yesterday.  Man does the house look nicer J I even organized the DVD’s, yep the nesting process, is still in overload.  Once we get the closets going this weekend, I will be able to organize some more in the baby’s room.  Did I mention how tired I get now, I am just tired, reliving this weekend LOL.  It was exhausting mentally and physically.  Hoping April dies down a bit, I am hoping to relax by May and June… yeah right, let’s see if that happens :P

(He is the length of a Carrot)

(Me and Arielle Louisville Zoo)

(Me and Jimmy @ Dinner)

(@ comic Convention)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Papa? Papa? Papaya!! :P

This week was a crazy one.  There was plenty going on, and the week isn't even over yet.  
Monday was a busy day at work, and then spent by a busy night at home, and tried to do some relaxing. 
Tuesday was another busy day, and also night.  Went to visit my friend Erin who had her baby on Monday, she had a baby boy, named him TJ (Tommy Jr).  He is adorable, makes me wish my boy was coming sooner, but I know he will be here in no time.  :) 
Wednesday was my long day, work was work, and then school was my first day of my new Business Math class.  It went very well.  They teacher seems cool, and I am not as worried about this class as I thought I was.  I had to take an entrance text to get in, and the first time I took it last Thursday, I didn't pass.  I re-took it on Saturday and passed it with no problem.  It almost seemed like it was a completely different test.  But the class was good, and we only have 9 people this time, so the next 8 weeks should be fun. 
Thursday was normal, and then I went to the dentist and got 3 fillings.  My whole right side of my face was numb until 9pm. LOL that was fun, but cavities all gone now :P 
Then today was an early day, since I had a doc appointment at 1pm.  We went and he is looking good, very healthy.  In fact he is growing ahead of schedule and is due 2 days sooner now.  He is 1lb 4oz, and I am not sure on the length but, his torso seems big at 18.8cm.  His heartbeat was 167, very strong and fast.  It was so good to see him again.  We wont again until the end of next month, when we have another 3D one.
They mentioned he will be growing again more in the next few weeks, and that makes sense, cause the past two days I've noticed a lot of growing pains.  But it's all worth it, and he is definitely moving a lot more.  It's fun :)  He can hear more now, so I've begun to talk to him in the mornings, on my drive in to work, or at night on my way home, or while laying in bed.
We are heading out of town this weekend, to Kentucky.  Jimmy is going to a comic convention, while Arielle and i take in some of the sights, and maybe the zoo.(Weather pending)  Otherwise we may be in the hotel swimming the whole time.  Looking forward to getting away for a little bit.

He's waving HELLO!! 

I think facing us... :P

Chillin :-) (We said he was doing a St. Pattys Jig)

The size of a Papaya!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Time to Squash this Bug....

This week seemed long! We had more battles with lovely snow storms, and to top that off, Arielle and I got sick, from the kid's visit last weekend.  So Monday in to Tuesday we took a turn for the worse.  We stayed home Wednesday and rested.  
I wish I didn't have class on Wednesday, but it was my last one for this specific class and I had a presentation due.  I think overall we did a good job, and I don't see why I shouldn't get a B or an A in the class. :) 
Good thing I was home on Wednesday, cause I haven't seen my husband since I left for school on Wednesday.  Maybe I will get to see him tonight. LOL 
Last night after work, I had to go to school and take a Math test, and I was 1 flippin point away, from what i needed.  So that to me was worse than failing completely.  So Saturday morning, I will go and try again.  But now it will be on my mind, and I will be questioning each question more and more. UGGG.. We will see how that goes. 
I relaxed and worked on some blankets.  I am really enjoying making them. :) I will have to post some updated pics of my newest ones this weekend. 
Today is my BFF's bday, so I think tomorrow night we will be celebrating for that somewhere. Other than that, hopefully catch up on some sleep this weekend.  After daughters last soccer game tomorrow, test at school, and trip to the mall.  Man oh man, I need a nap just thinking about it.  Then Sunday, we want to see the movie OZ. :)
Wednesday night I ran into a bit of Insomnia, and didn't get to sleep until after 3, and I wake up at 6.  So that wasn't fun.  I slept much better last night, but my joints are achy, and with a stuffy nose, it makes it difficult.  My little guy has been moving like crazy.  It seems like every couple hours he does a flip or two LOL I can't wait to see him again next weekend. :) 
My friend Erin is going to have her son on Monday, by C-section.  I am so happy for her, I can't wait to see the little guy! she is lucky to be getting him out early :P It will be fun! :) 

He is the size of a Spaghetti Squash

Bump is growing ;-)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Just another week in paradise...

Well this week was a busy one, as I knew it would be.  After last weeks aftermath of finding out we are having a boy, I went a little crazy and got a lot of boy clothes, and made a blanket. :-) Yeah Yeah I know, I know... but believe me, there is plenty to get. I will be making more blankets, and even thinking of starting some online store/advertising for making them.  Yeah I need a side hobby right?  With work and school and a baby on the way, why not! :P We will see....
This week was busy with Jimmy and I carpooling during the week, while we finalized an agreement for a car, we found for him.  I had a presentation in school on Wednesday, and had month end close at work on Thursday.  I was lucky enough to be able to work from home today, and being able to get our new(to us) car. :-) 
The baby has been moving like crazy this week.  It is cute, I was noticing last night, when I would rub my stomach, and I would stop, he would give a little kick, like hey mama why did you stop? :-)  I can only imagine once his kicks start getting stronger, he is going to be beating me up inside, and I bruise easily, so he better go easy on me. LOL The usual growing pains weren't on Tuesday this week, they were on Thursday.  But none the less, he is growing.  :-)
I was suppose to have a doc appointment today, but had to push it until March 15th, since we were getting the car today.  I am glad Jimmy was able to get the car he wanted finally, he deserves a reliable car finally.  Plus we needed another 4 door for the new little one. :) 
I am now obsessing over names.  I mean what else is there, right? I had 9 names picked, but we have narrowed it down to the top 4 for now.
Daniel Kenneth
Nathanial Kenneth
William Kenneth 
Liam Daniel
We will see if I end up adding or changing those, in the next 4 months.  Otherwise, I think I will go in with those, and then decide once he comes out.  What are your thoughts?? 

(He's the length of a carrot)

(Jimmy's New Car)