Monday we had to put Jimmy's car to rest. It finally died, and we gave it to a junk yard, it wasn't worth repairing anymore.
Tuesday was a normal day, and went by fast, which was good. I had a countdown going, for my doc apt Thursday and baby reveal on Friday.
Wednesday, was a long day, as usual. Work was work. At lunch, I went and tested a car out for Jimmy. We looked all last weekend for cars, and our search continued. Later that night, was school. Which was a good class, yet again. Only two more classes to go, and I am done with this session, and on to the next.
Thursday was finally here, and I had to make it through the day. I didn't think I would be able to focus, but I was busy at work, as usual. By the time the day was over, it was time to head home. Then on to my doc appointment. We waited as usual, and then the doc saw us. He checked the baby's heartbeat, and it was now in the 140's, which he said was Boy range. I ignored that, cause it could mean anything. Then I asked, so what about my ultrasound. Well he didn't schedule an appointment with the technician. I thought I was going to cry right there in the office. So we made an appointment for one more week. My plans for the whole weekend, were then crushed in one hour. I was bummed, and Jimmy knew it. We had plans! So what else could I do, just had to deal with it.
We were expecting a bad storm, Thursday into Friday, so Friday was up in the air. Then Jimmy also wanted to go look for cars, so I took the day off. I then was able to schedule an appointment for later that day, for an ultrasound. There was an opening! So nothing like doing things last minute, what we do best under pressure. My best friend Mary, had a cake reveal party planned for that night. So we had to come up with a new plan. Which then became, us going, and the tech messaged her the results, and she then made a cake, within 90mins of the party. Talk about pressure, but she was up for it. Jimmy and I went car shopping during the day, and then when it became the time for the appointment, we were almost late. Thanks to Chicago city traffic. I had been drinking fluids all day and even had my sugar beverage an hour before the appointment, as directed. When we got there, I had to pee badly!!! They told me to hold it, and I didn't think I could. I had to go, she said it would be fine, since they were running 15 minutes behind. So I drank more water provided, which was torture. We finally got into the room, and told the lady we had a weird request. LOL It worked out perfectly! I had a wonderful surprise, and so thankful for my friends and family. IT'S A BOY!!!! :)
Had a great night with my friends, and then was bad during the day and went shopping for my little boy :) Yeah Yeah, I can, so :P I got some things, I am very excited about. :) Went and looked at some more cars, and found one we like. So we will see what happens, hopefully we can get it. :)
I am looking forward to having a baby boy. I think it was meant to be, so now all we have to do, is finalize some things in the baby's room, and narrow down the baby names. I think I have it down to 3, which I had 9. So once they little guy comes out, I will decide which name fits best. :) Can't wait!!!