Friday, December 28, 2012

Anyone want a Lime with that???!!!

Well this week has been a great one! At the beginning of the week was xmas eve and xmas.  It was nice to see the family on Monday.  Since 3 of us are pregnant, we had some fun talks on baby names, thoughts of boys and girls, and showers.  I got voted to have Oscar as my boys name, thanks to my gram... LOL  And my cousin and I will be sharing a hospital room, to save on costs. Sounds good to me! :) And the prediction for babies is, Ang- Girl, Amber- Boy and Me- Girl.  So we will see how that pans out.  Either way, we are going to have a busy upcoming 2013!
I felt fine this week, for the most part.  Been eating pretty normal.  We cooked a Pot Roast on Tuesday for xmas, in the slow cooker.  I wanted to die, cause the house smelled like ass LOL  This meat smelling business isn't so great.  I got some more sweatpants from aeropostile for xmas, they are soooo comfy.  I will be living in those, for the next few months, into spring. :) 
Wednesday, we went and hung out with some friends after work.  Which was nice to get out of the house, for the night.  Didn't get any laundry or dishes done though, but I guess that is what the weekends are for.
Last night we had our 12wk Doc Apt.  It went great! Besides them forgetting about us, in the room for 30mins.  We finally got to hear our little alien inside, beating away, at a very healthy pace of 160bpm.  Most if not all people are saying a girl, just off of that alone.  So we will see, trying not to get my hopes up.  I will be happy with either. :)  We go back next month, for another Doppler, and then Feb, we should be able to find out what we will be getting.  I had to pee in a cup and they took 4 vials of blood from me!!! 4!! I said to the nurse, "are you going to leave me some?" LOL  They were running tests for HIV, what blood type I am, and multiple others.  FUN!  I passed on that Down Syndrome test for the baby, I was at under 1% risk the doc said, so I didn't see the need for them to go in, and take fluid to test the baby.  All is looking healthy and good, and I believe I am starting to get more energy back.   THANKFULLY!!! Also with that, I'm forming this lovely belly bump... it seems to be more pronounced daily.  I think I will start documenting with pics soon, week by week. Oh and I gained 8lbs so far, and he said, only gain 1lb a week, for the rest of the pregnancy.  OK! sure, I will see what I can do LOL 
This has been a great 3 months already, I look forward to going into my 2nd Trimester :) 

( below is video of heartbeat, don't worry it's PG)

Happy New Year to Everyone!!!! <3

Friday, December 21, 2012

11 Weeks..... It's a Fig!!

Well what has happened this week? Well I had some gag moments :/ ... once while brushing my teeth, once last night while doing the dishes, and another when I was making Arielle her lunch.  Even though the smell of meat still is gross, I made her a sandwich anyway, that's love! :) 
Yesterday I noticed my uterus was more sensitive that usual.  Odd I know... how would people even know?? But I feel everything it seems, it is strange.  Well I guess it is normal, since there is a lot of growing going on, stretching, blah blah.  So that is lovely. :) 
Sleeping has been on and off all week.  I slept the best Wednesday night, had the most energy when I woke up Thursday, and slept through the night.  But was back to my normal pattern yesterday, and waking up at 4am, for my potty break.  My back has been hurting this week also, so that has been fun. 
I've noticed to, I am getting a more solid feeling under my belly button, and I can feel it swelling. 
Cravings so far, have been chocolate, which I have never been a major chocolate eater.  Also Sushi, and yes the cooked sushi, California rolls and Tempura. MMMMM sounds good just typing it! :) 
I've come to the realization that I will need to get some maternity pants for work.  I already have them for my  jeans, but I am down to my last pair of pants for work. So guess I will be looking for some this weekend. :P
The baby is the size of a Fig this week.  An ironic funny story today, this woman at work, came by my desk. She asks me if I would like a stuffed fig, I look in the box, and I say, " No I can't eat my baby."   We start laughing, and she is like, "wtf??" LOL So I explain, that I got an email shortly before, that the baby is the size of a fig. LMAO.... so then we say, "Don't eat the baby!" 
Looking forward to xmas next week!!! 


Friday, December 14, 2012

10 wks.....

Well made it through week 10!! A lot has gone on this week.  Baby has been growing at a fast pace, I can feel it..... yikes.  I will be done with my medicine today, woohoo! Never been so happy about that.  My main  issues this week have been sleep and my boobs. LOL Sleep hasn't been all that comfy, so I can't imagine later on, ugggg.  My little alien inside, is sucking the life out of me!  But it's ok, I just take naps and smile.  I noticed that meats are disgusting, any kind I smell, either cooking or lunchmeat, gross!!  So that has been fun.  I just started a lovely head cold, so on top of all of that, not being able to breath as well at night, will be even more fun, going into this weekend.  It's been fun, letting some people know at work.   Had our holiday party yesterday and someone wanted to buy me a drink, but I told them they couldn't.  They about jumped for joy.  I am so happy of course, but my energy levels are super low right now, so I just smile and say thank you. :) I look forward to see what the next weeks bring. I still haven't had any morning sickness per say, just a little nauseous feeling, and then it goes away when I drink some OJ or have some food. The baby is the size of a Kumquat this week. :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

How Time Flies......

We went to the Doc again last Thursday, for another Ultrasound, and got the confirmation, that the baby was healthy and a strong heartbeat of 160bpm.  The doc said we were over the scary part and my body has done good with the medicine, so to just finish it out, and that will take me into week 11.  We go back after Xmas on the 27th, and get to hear the heartbeat.  I can't wait! :) I will feel much more at ease, it is hard not to freak all the time, at every little twinge, or symptom of some sort.
This morning, was a rough one.... I didn't sleep well last night, so i was tossing and turning.  On top of that, peeing after 4pm again.  When I finally woke, at 6:45, I had some nausea, so that was fun.  I had some OJ and a Banana, and feel better now. I hope the next couple weeks go by fast.  I look forward to entering the 2nd Tri, and hopefully getting my energy back!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Guess What!!!???

Well we found out we are expecting!!! :)  Found this out a few weeks back, So VERY VERY excited! Waiting until next week to tell extended  friends and family. Went for my first ultrasound last week.  I have low progesterone levels, so the Doc has me on Crinone, to help increase my levels, so the baby can grow healthy.  I go back next thursday, the 6th for another ultrasound and blood test.  If all is still good and on track, we will reveal the news on friday to people.  :) Can't wait!  It's been killing me!!! :) We know so many people that our pregnant, it's the year for babies next year!
I decided to make this blog, for people who may want to follow along, on this big adventure.  I don't want to bore people all the time on FB, with little details here and there.  So I will try and come on here, and update, how things are going.  :)
Pic below is from docs office at 7wks.... :)